The other day my girlfriend said that i could learn French in two weeks and proceeded to be preplexed when I said that obviously I couldn't.

She actually believed that me being able to learn a programing language In a week or two meant I could do it with any language.

  • 5
    She is one special snowflake
  • 8
    tl;dr: yes, but vocabulary.

    You could learn the syntax in two weeks without much difficulty. The issue is that French has a vastly different vocabulary, while most programming languages' lexicons are quite similar. The obvious outlier -- assembly -- takes much longer to pick up precisely because of its much larger and vastly different vocabulary.
  • 3
  • 1
    programing languages are far mire simplistic and direct
  • 1
  • 0
    She is keeper for sure 😊
    Never. Let. Go... 🤗🤗
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