Cracking open Unity for the first time, tonight after the daughter goes to bed, for an augmented reality project.

Cheers! 🍺

  • 2
    Hololens?! I've been eager to try it for the past few days! Be sure to posts some new rants on it after you get stuck with C#! 😁
  • 1
    @bvodola HA! I'm sure I'll have plenty of rants to post...
  • 0
    please keep us updated
  • 1
    @bvodola The company I work for let me take the hololens home, problem is that I write Javascript, not c#. I don't even know where to start beyond hello world.
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    Building the next Pokemon Go?
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    I miss Unity so much. The most fun environment I ever worked with.
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    @kevbost Duuuude.That's awesome! But kind of a waste! 😂😂 You know, just ship me the hololens and in exchange I'll teach you C# (which I don't know that well, btw!) 😏
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