
Yall know else if()
Now get ready for else while()

  • 8
    That's really whiled...
  • 3
  • 5
    I rarely ever use else if or even else

    Return early 🤌🤌🤌
  • 2
    Does work in multiple languages I guess
  • 1
    Instead of if-else, it's while-else
  • 0
    This is why I prefer raw conditional jumps.
  • 1
    My credo:

    elif sucks. If I catch myself doing it, the logic has to be reworked.
  • 2
    Having a specific keyword for elseif is a sign of overcomplicating things by trying to be simple, and languages that do this tend to be donkey languages.
  • 2
    `Switch(arg) while` when?

    Once day I'll make my own language with the dumbest syntax, even dumber than brainfuck, ya'll see!
  • 0
    if (false);
    else while (true);

    That's all valid, but you can't have another else, because else needs an if first.
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