
The Dev was asked an update on his sprint task.
What task? The Dev asked.

"You know changing our git branches from master to main" says the Scrum master.

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    "When you change your title, let me know"
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    *Scrum Main
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    Also known as the main Scrotum.
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    I just keep calling it master at $work.
    It annoys the shit out of all the woke nitwits I work with, and makes me smile a little.
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    @Root why do people care about how they call the master / main branch?

    - They should just call it what they will, but make an effort to contribute with actual code and make an effort to write readable code.
    - Not like some of the slackers I see all the time that don't do shit or write 1 line of code after they copy 99% of the feature from my branch, and then act very oppinionated on what code should go to master.
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    @gitstashio Because they’re racist as hell and see absolutely everything through the lens of race.

    Here are things they say — and things I’ve heard around $work from these people.

    • “Master/slave is about whites having black slaves”
    • “Whitelist/blacklist is whites saying they are better and blacks are worse”
    • “Voter ID is racist because blacks aren’t smart enough to get an ID”
    • “Sharing crime statistics and police photos or descriptions is wrong because it’ll make people racist”
    • “Stores closing because of crime is racist because it disproportionately affects minorities”
    • “Hiring people based on merit is racist because it means hiring fewer minorities.”
    • etc.

    You can’t make this up.
    They’re so bloody racist — and can’t see it — yet screech that everyone and everything else is racist.
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    @Root how these people get any work done is beyond me
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