
Fuck you docker.
Thanks for deleting all my containers and images you pieces of shit.

  • 2
    You're welcome.
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    @Jabb03 Fortunately theyre just hidden. But this gave me a good wakeup this morning
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    Don't trust docker. Cool tech, company is sketchy.
  • 1
    The "del" command means "delete" not "delegate". ;-P
  • 1
    Can you just not create them ? I thought that the whole point of docker
  • 0
    It'll just auto rebuild no? Did you loose your volumes too?
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus There was an issue with docker-desktop for windows where the containers and volumes where hidden when you have changed the data directory to a different one than default. You can always rebuild but if you havent backed up your database its really annyoing to set everything up again.

    Now I dont dare to upgrade even though they said they fixed it ^^

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