
Ever had a client that emails you and then calls you if you received the email? I think it's understandable since most of us don't send a return receipt or whatever that's called.

But have you had a client message you on WhatsApp or equivalent that shows that you have read the messages and yet calls you to confirm if you have received the messages? 🙋

It's getting annoying really fast

  • 1
    No never
  • 9
    Did you receive my first comment?
  • 1
    @Andi I didn't get your call so... No? Lol
  • 1
    It's a polite way of making their request important or to remind you of it. It's one of the oldest tricks, probably everyone used once, "oh there was recently some outtages, have you gotten my mail?" stuff like that.
  • 2
    I hate to talk to customers.
    In my early days I had to do some telephone support.
    90% of customers are stupid as fuck.
    So maybe it's not an urgent thing - they are just idiots.
  • 0
    @JoshBent if it's urgent and in crisis, the first thing anyone would do is call first, message later as the story develops. Not the other way around
  • 0
    @time2code that's acceptable
  • 0
    RIP @Alice phones
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