
Anyone else unable to download the devrant app? iOS Germany btw, it's not in the app store anymore

  • 1
    Yes, it‘s a known issue.
  • 7
    @Lensflare this is the moment you mention your joyrant app business man of the year
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    @retoor I don’t feel comfortable to mention it that often. And it will be free, so not a business man :)
  • 3
    I am unable. That is because I have an Android. I am too retarded to iOS.
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    I was getting deja vu thinking I was your hype man but that was another post
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    troubleshooting step 1: get a non-garbage-tier phone.
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    @tosensei he already said he uses iOS, so we can exclude Android garbage 😉
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    @Lensflare clarification: by "garbage tier" i meant "any phone where you can not install a 3rd-party operating system". (which kinda includes all phones shipped with FisherpriceOS)
  • 2
    @tosensei if this is your definition, it’s sad. But it’s definitely not the definition for 99.9% of end users, who don’t give a single fuck about if they can install a different OS.
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    @Lensflare well, about 99.9% of people visiting fast food chains don't care that they're basically eating salted garbage. so what's your point?
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    @tosensei apart from the fact that this is a bad comparison because one thing is a preference and the other is willful ignorance, it’s still a definition that practically no one will agree with.
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    @NeatNerdPrime @tosensei

    Ideally I would want any potential girlfriend/ wife of mine to enjoy an epic fucking big mac with fries, but as long as you’re not nutritionally deficient if you’re a vegan more power to you, I may even like you.

    Everyone has preferences some are deal breakers to some people some are not.

    I would like a dual booting iPhone but I love A series silicon.
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