Fingers crossed we win D:

  • 5
  • 2
    I hate this guy..
  • 7
    doesn't matter what she says, when there is an administration at power, where lieing has no consequences.
    In a society where right and left don't talk to each other anymore, the repeal of net neutrality has one goal. To suppress the opponents opinions and to promote it's own. And getting filthy rich by doing so.
  • 5
    Do you know you have exams
  • 5
    I already knew the internet was over before the stream started. There's not a chance we will win. At the moment, she's the only one for it.
  • 6
    Aw shoot. I'm getting distracted again. Thank you! I'll go back to studying.
  • 2
    What happened?
  • 2

    Sooo.... We lost?
  • 1
    @heyheni as an outside spectator what I see is the rift between right and left has been substantially widened by butthurt left wing voters and media in the past year. So much for "independent journalism". Plot twist: there's no such thing.
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