
untreated testicular cancer whore ass scrotum looking mouth wrapped in a cocksucker's infra-lingual malignant tumor vomiting a stupid stinking pussy fart of a retort can unequivocally swallow a vast jungle of hairy fucking balls

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    I don't know what this is but...
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    I actually meant to post the Kylo Ren more gif, but this works too.
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    @Demolishun it's a game I play inside my head. The challenge is using as many *distinct* words as possible to construct a swear phrase.

    It doesn't need to make sense, but it must be sprinkled with deep seated hatred.
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  • 6
    Not my proudest fap, but I'll take it.
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    @Demolishun repugnant paraphilic globe-trotting anal couriers super-soaker pissing on state-sponsored but often self-prostituted pimped out porno maidens ecstasized at our excretions demanding compensation for multiple concurrent instances of rectal penetration require deeply scarring treatment or noose-on-tits style upside-down hanging as the aforementioned volcanic sexual chocolate pre-ejaculation begs audiences be patient and await ravid octopus dog penis savagely drilling towards their rectum's innermost core so delight in promethean gayness dating back to times immemorial biblically sodomized right until dawnly hours with apocalyptical might the likes of which spelled doom and devastation uppon every mother fucker who dared touch half-melted buttholes of glory in the wee sunrays of the morning.

    PS I depleted my entire magicka bar on this and I'm atronach, brb gotta go shoot septims at the fucking church.
  • 2
    I’m wondering what kind of artwork AI would create if using that phrase?
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