
I'm a tiny bit happy today.
Recently I've been noticing that I'm developing a tolerance for deeply crowded spaces. I don't know if the AC/DC concert was an effective shock therapy or something.

I'm not at the point where I can comfortably head outside into town by myself yet, but I have a feeling that it's not going to be too long until I can.
Maybe I can even find some joy in "being under people".

Maybe make some contacts, friends, whatever.
The biggest challenge will probably be getting over my, I guess "crippling" isn't the right word, but close-ish to it, self-conscious.
The worst thing is that as of yet, I have no idea why I'm still like that.
I think I know the root cause, but that's not something relevant right now.

Hell, I go out with friends, guys and girls, and eventually it goes like:
>"How come you are not dating someone?"
>"Can't really. Can't go out and fine someone, also I think I'm not good-looking enough."
>"Bullshit, you look awesome."

That's coming from close friends, hence why I don't believe it's just some "oh, he'll feel better if I compliment him" shite.
I somehow am unable to gain self worth from compliments.


In other news, I got a certificate at the FernUni Hagen for a course in IT project management.
Also, my programming and solution finding/problem solving skills are improving noticeable. I think.
I'm not in Uni or anything, but I feel like I'm getting more competent/professional in my development activities at work.

Contrary to what I stated above, I can gain self worth from good work done.
...which worries me, because I am afraid that eventually I'll only be able to feel good after having worked myself to the metaphorical bone.

In job college, I talk to my classmates.
Turns out, everybody is mostly sitting on their ass doing fuck all at work. They are telling me that I'm a workaholic.
I think that I'm either going mad, or that they are lazy fuckers.

From Wednesday to Thursday evening, three colleagues and I went to the CAS Partner Preview Day & CAS Customer Centricity Forum in Karlsruhe. Lots of talks (mostly boasting about themselves), some workshops and a lot of "networking opportunities".
Stuff which I mostly consider bullshit, but I never would've figured how effective it is to put on a smile and feign interest in things.
Some of that feigned interest turned into actual interest and we "networked" for hours.
It was a good training for social interactions outside my direct comfort zone.

Thank you for reading the ramdump of my mind.
Segmentation Fault
Core dumped

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    I would like to retroactively change the phrase "everybody's mostly sitting on their ass doing fuck all at work" to "most are sitting on their ass doing fuck all at work" because it would not be fair towards some other classmates.
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    ++ because I resonate with your problem somewhat – I've got depression, social anxiety, low self worth, attachment issues and some this' and that's for way too many years now..

    And it's great that you are improving. Keep at it!
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    @saucyatom Thank you for the encouraging words, and I wish you all the best too, in that sense.

    Attachment issues are a pain in the ass.
    It is difficult for me to let go of people, very much so. Once they show me too much kindness, I run the risk of liking them too much and having a high difficulty in letting go.
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    Thank you.

    Re attachment issues: They currently cause me a lot of pain. For me, the underlying issue is probably low self esteem and trying to fill that with external validation. I see the patterns and how I'm really making myself miserable, but that realization alone is not enough. *sigh* Human emotions are complex.

    On the other hand, I know that there will be better days. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not, but probably sooner than my anxious mind word think.
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    @saucyatom I can relate to a painful degree.
    Especially the "making yourself miserable, but not being able to fix it" part.

    Keep your head up mate, things will get better eventually; As you said, probably sooner than later.
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    If you work more than is required to not get fired, people will call you a workaholic. I call it being interested and/or enjoying the work, which is good.
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