
I jst need AI to detect typos in my js code and it's probably going to save me hours of debugging.. 🙃

Or maybe it can help me get a well nights sleep.. so I can detect it myself.. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • 4
    Meanwhile my IDE notify me about typos even though I disabled the setting (probably there is another, more hidden setting)
  • 5
  • 2
    If there is anything I don't miss about Python is tracking spelling errors.
  • 1
    @jestdotty usually don't catch typos in variable names and such
  • 3
    Time to learn TypeScript
  • 8
    Maybe increase your font size? Might sound as a joke but after 10 years as developer and countless hours of eye strain, it gradually became harder for me to focus on code and spot mistakes and over time I went from 10-11 font size up to current 15-16.
  • 0
    @jestdotty maybe I shud set it up for this project.. also have u set up spell check in ur linter, from my previous experience, it was more annoying than helpful.
  • 1
    @ahmednr123 code spell checker extension on its own is fine, enforcing it with a linter would be too annoying
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