
So our webserver teacher have been throwing around the idea that before installing anything on a Ubuntu Sever, you should run apt-get update (yes you should)

But, he also instructed everyone to run apt-get upgrade as well (in case some dependencies need to be updated)

Now for fucks sake:::::
1) apt will automatically sort out dependencies when you install a new program
2) you never ever efffing fucking wanna run apt-get upgrade on a live server. I'm not a sysadmin, but this seems like a really fucking bad idea, right?

  • 3
    On the live server issue:
    Not without testing and it'd normally do selected upgrades when needed because new dependency or some security patch or the likes.
    It's always a balanced decision between having new things, bug fixes, it working correctly, having the update being tested first.
  • 11
    apt-get upgrade is fine to run in prod.
    apt-get dist-upgrade is not fine to run in prod.
  • 0
    @Linux But is it fine to run it blindly in prod?
  • 5
    It only updates minor version so in most cases yes.
  • 5

    $sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

    Is safe and good practice.
  • 2
    @Linux thank you for your sage words and clarifying this. 👌🏼
  • 1
    What would be thr point on apt update if you are not going to upgrade anything?
  • 0
    I've never gotten burned running upgrade on an LTS version of Ubuntu. (except with Nvidia drivers-- totally different rant)

    It's good to snapshot production servers before running upgrades. Shit happens.
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