Got an offer to move to the US for an internship at Google (they pay for the stay and deal with the greencard).
Have to refuse as I won't be able to finish my degree until then 😞

  • 3
    Grrencard for an internship?
  • 4
    @vertti he might be talking about H-1B visa
  • 3
    @sam9669 @vertti Yea, could be. I meant a temporary visa. Thought that was a greencard. Sorry :P
  • 2
    @MatanRad how did you apply for it ? Was it a follow after GSOC or some code competition ?
  • 5
    You know you only get one time chance at this right.. should have taken it.. not a lot of people have finished degrees and manage to get the same job as the one who finished it...
  • 4
    @rui725 I know but my situation is a little different (also, still haven't said no).

    I started my degree at the 10th grade and I am going to finish it this year (which is a year after 12th)
    So I dropped out of school for it (it's a special program here). If I don't finish my degree and something happens then I will be a normal school drop-out and finding a job might be hard...
  • 4
    @sam9669 I work at my Uni's lab and they collaborate with Google. Got offered it that way.
  • 6
    In the netherlands doing an internship is part of your exams. Just ask google if its possible to either do something at their end or at the schools end.

    Or dont join the big bad company.
  • 0
    It's not as great as it sounds. Yeah they take care of your Visa, but they hold you by the nuts for it!
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