Hi Hi fellow devs and sysadmins hiding in the dark,

In august of next year I need to do my final internship for my IT Management Study in The Netherlands. My study level is between the US Community College and Associate Degree.

As you can see from the tags I'm looking for a International internship as I'm looking for experience and a challenge but its annoying and pretty hard to find something on the internet due to all of the places that "help you find a place" that ask 4.5 EUR.

So I wanted to ask you guys for help, I'm looking as you can guess for a IT Management internship and I have a slight preference to Asia(With very big preference to Japan) due to interest in the culture.

If you guys know of any places in your company or other places I would love to hear and if you have tips please share them.

Best regard,
Marcel aka inpothet

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