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    PC for games, Mac for work. Linux if you have no money for Mac
  • 8
    @Matthewb Kind of have to disagree there... Linux can be just as professional as Windows if you need it to be, without all the crap on top. They both have pros and cons, but they're definitely both good (IMHO)
  • 2
    ya. I think linux is more professional than windows because on linux you use more professional ways to eg. install something. on windows you won't ever need to compile sources :P imho
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    Dual boot is the way to go.
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    @donkeyScript has it high requirments?
  • 2
    Not really. As long as you have some hard drive space to spare it's easy. Ubuntu has a nice boot loader to help choose.
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    @donkeyScript oh i just wrong the dual boot with booting two systems at the same time. I've grub personally and I recommend having both windows and linux. i swear that if you have an good libux distro you will not back to the windows for a long time, unless you really need something like adobe
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    @donkeyScript That depends if you only dip in and out of one or the other, a VM is the way to go.
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    I don't dislike windows, but it's essentially my rocket league box at this point.
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    @inso it's mainly games that I use Windows for.
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    @drRoss yea that's another way of doing it. I actually use a VM to load kali linux
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    I did the same. While playing with the new Linux I unknowingly deleted the boot loader and now I have no laptop to work 😳. I am still struggling to get the boot repair work!
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    I guess I'm just the odd one out because I prefer Windows for day to day stuff. I've tried to fully switch to Linux but I wasn't comfortable. Great as a dev OS though
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    @Matthewb professional? Know what they are doing? You've got to be kidding me. Windows is a mess. I use it at work everyday, and would burn it at the stake if I could.

    For the last decade, the only major thing they have done is reskinned the GUI that they are hiding all their crap behind. Every time they try to do anything other than that...anything useful...they break everything else. Because it's absolute crap.
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