
Any ideas on how to stay relevant (currently web dev) in the age of ai, say in a year?
I have no idea what skills to learn that will still be relevant in the near future

  • 3
    AI by definition produces average code. Get good.
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    @jestdotty Sell shovels. AI needs to be taught(excluding automated learning idk I'm too ignant for that sht). They need data, that needs to be collected, filtered, tuned etc. Make tools that do those things. Then people or businesses will need some kind of interfaces to let users interact with said AI. Make those interfaces.

    Disclaimer: The following analogy sounded better in my head

    Suppose you don't know math but you are good. at crafting things. You make and sell pens, papers, the dang building where the teaching happens, maybe even math toys that help with teaching/learning.

    Do you know what I mean?
  • 2
    Learn ML and other AI skills.
    Also stuff that is too scary to leave entirely to AI. For example infrastructure. Managing data centers, physical servers, and even cloud infra. Leaving it to AI automation could prove too expensive.
    UX and UI design is also good.
    Systems design too.
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    Priest, policeman and solider.
    Priest to lie to people that AI is the only God.
    Policeman to put those who have doubts in AI into jail.
    Solider to kill people that don’t believe in AI.

    Because AI is the only thing that matter right now, otherwise billionaires and corporations who put half of their money into business model that doesn’t make sense are fucked.
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    Learn assembly and compiler design. Most models suck balls at both and will for the foreseeable future.

    EDIT: oh you said webdev, nevermind. You're fucked.
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