
Me everyday:
1- Get excited to start coding
2- Start coding
3- Run code
4- Bug found
5- Start debugging
6- Start feeling frustrating
7- Start questioning myself about career
8- Start hating life
9- Start banging head against the wall
10- Start looking for a different job
11- Oh shit! It was a typo
12- Go back to number 1

  • 2
    Sorry to give you a downvote, but I just wanted to mark this as repost :(
  • 3
    Thanks both, I'll do some research before posting my frustrations next time
  • 2
    Welcome to devRant.
  • 2
    @time2code LOL Indeed
  • 1
    @time2code not if its the exact same text so I shouldnt be able to complete the rant before clicking on "read more".
  • 1
    I relate to this... ☺️
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