I'm from Portugal, Europe
How will the law against net neutrality afect me? (or anyone outside the U.S.)
And... how can a law pass when 90% of people (who has a opinion) is against it?

U.S. people/gov are wird... (not all... I douth there are any Moricas here). At least If I get cancer, HIV or something like that I get free treatment... like Obama tried to do...

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    A UE não mudou nada, continua a ser proibido o tráfego selectivo (throttle, block, etc) para os isp europeus
    Excepto se te chamares Vodafone *cough*.
    No fundo pouco muda, a net neutrality só passou a ser lei com o Obama, estamos na fase do Clinton até ao Bush.
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    Obrigado @nbamaral . Mesmo assim espero que não passe para cá
    (I'm thanking @nbamaral )
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    Moricas? I prefer to be called American thank you very much dude.......and how would it affect you? Well hopefully it will get repealed towards the point in which it does not affect anyone. Best case scenario it gets completely repelled. Worst case scenario it reaches the minds of european politicians and everyone starts following suit :P
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    It won't affect anyone not using American ISPs. These are the only entities who were affected by the rule.

    And it can be repealed without majority support because it's not a law; it's a rule made by the previous executive branch and repealed by this executive branch, and the people who made the decision were not elected.

    This is precisely why only Congress is supposed to make the law.
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    There was no "free healthcare" here in the US.

    Obamacare wasn't free. Everyone had to pay to have health insurance, and the premiums were going up several hundred percent every year, while coverage dwindled.

    If you chose not to buy health insurance because you didn't want it or couldn't afford it, you had to pay a penalty on your taxes. This penalty increased every year until it was cheaper to buy health insurance.

    I literally could not afford health insurance. It would have been $1400 a month for us. And even if I could have, with the insane deductibles ($4k+!), I would never see any benefit unless I literally got hit by a bus.

    Sure, you could get an exemption to the penalty if you didn't make enough, but think who this applies to: low income only. Everyone else pays exorbitant prices/penalties for something completely useless to them. Basically the only people who got "free healthcare" were those on welfare. Oh, and illegals.

    Bloody hell that legislation was a trainwreck.
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    Continuar escribiendo
    @Root Well, that sucks
    In Portugal, you pay for healthcare with taxes, meaning if you are unemployed you can still get healthcare.
    Also, we pay a small tax everytime we go to the hospital, something around 25$
    Unemployed, elderly and others can get healthcare totally free but must apply every year (just filling a form, to make shore people don't abuse it)

    So, we still pay
    But you only pay monthly if your working (if your salary is 500 euros you pay 50 in taxes, a small part goes to health care)
    If you have cancer, HIV or any other chronically or disabling disease you get treated for free.
    IF you have no money and must pay at the hospital, you can just go... the bill will be sent home, and they don't force you to pay till the next time. Even then if you argue you can't really pay, and your really sick you are still treated.
    In Portugal, public hospitals will treat anyone who enters, even an illegal or a tourist. This people don't benefit from the discounts and must pay full price, and still there will be exceptions (refuges, pour illegal emigrants or anyone who can't pay...)

    So... our sallary isn't much (550€ minimum, arround 600$), but our laws protect us, To work a employer must offer you a contract, there are laws to protect both the worker and employer that must be obeyed and institutions that deal with bosses who brake this laws (even a work court), we get help if we are sick, our goverment actualy pays the worker if he's on sick leave (2/3 of the sallary), there is no kind of slavery (Portuguese were the first europeans to kidnad slaves and were one of the first to abolish slavery).

    Downsides: Racism, dumb people (our own kind of muricas) and corruption.
    Extra Bonus: Great summer, great beaches (search Algarve) , still lots of good people who would help you in case of need and everyone a kind face. Great for tourism.

    As a example, you pay arround 30$ to do a full blood check, even STDs
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