
So I am looking at top on our embedded system. I notice the memory amounts are in KiB. Then I thought to myself: "We are not far from this being in MiB units."

I am excited for Terahertz optical cpus and Petabyte storage drives.

  • 1
    This is what I was looking at:

    KiB Mem : 1869120 total, 1532328 free
  • 3
    I always wondered why it is in KiB. Like, given that it is human-unreadable already, why not just use bytes?
  • 1
    @cafecortado probably because no one cares what the first 3 digits are anymore.
  • 2
    PB storage not in this decade, unfortunately, technology is not there.
  • 3
    @vane we need to shoot down more alien ships and steal their shit!
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