
When will be the moment in time when the majority of internet content is generated by artificial intelligence rather than humans?

Let us call this 'AI Domination of Content' as the AIDoC-era.

  • 4
    It already has a name: Dead internet.
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    Interestingly, we could end up in the situation where, instead of deciding what content to show you to optimise ad revenue, the algorithms are deciding what content to generate to optimise ad revenue, without constraint.

    It doesn't even need to depict plausible physical events. it could just show you arbitrary patterns and sounds, evolving in real time to become harder and harder to ignore.
  • 3
    due to spambots, that moment already has come and gone quite some time ago. you just need to lower your definition of "artificial intelligence" to include those algorithms that act on the level of the average adult human being.
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    @Lensflare this theory also reflects the Truman Show effect of delisting websites. AI will make the listed websites even shittier.
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    @Lensflare so, the popular websites we use could be considered an ecosystem or world in itself. What happens when that world gets destroyed? The major players are not interested in new better features. They are interested in information control with the intent of people control. So they will purposely shitify their product.

    Tech people have a choice. They can build their own world(s). I had this vision of the current tech world destroying itself politically and economically. At some point will we be traversing and trying to make use of a dysfunctional tech world? Working to build a new one? I can see the disruption of the current tech world having real world effects on its ability to function. So the current tech world failing could have real physical consequences.
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    "purposely shitify their product" 😂
  • 2
    @Lensflare this is how I describe non-value added to products from the customer's perspective. Mass surveillance does not add value for me. That would be one such shitification of a product. Forcing usage of one vendor only options is another.
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    this is probably already true
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    Humanity of generators is not the point, but bullshit and misinformation are. There's already too much bullshit, marketing and troll content created by humans, and AI learns from human output, so we won't even notice the difference.
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    @ingosteinke Yep, bullshit and deprecated bullshit.
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    I'll argue that we are not even close yet.
    The reason is simple.
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