!rant (maybe somewhat drunk)
I'm a moderate gamer, and I like online gaming (battlefront, rocket league, that kind of stuff). And I can say that from all online communities i've seen, devRant is by far the less toxic one, being actually extremely nice.
Most dev communities i've been part of are extremely competitive, but devRant is all about sharing and caring.
A big bravo to you all, and thanks!

  • 3
    its good too because youre possibly intoxicated when writing this rant
  • 2
    The idea of devRant support this: Everyone rants and lets the anger, stress and frustration out, so there is no need to use other community members for that and be rude to them 😁
  • 1
    This is why we should make a section for asking questions.

    SO without the annoying people!
  • 3
    @coolq I think that would destroy much of the simplicity and also possibly attracts the toxic ones from SO (I don't speak of all, but SO is so widely known and attracts many kinds of users).

    At least it should not be indexed by search-engines.

    On the other hand you don't want to lock out people and share knowledge with everyone. Talking and preventing toxic behavior would be much nicer :S
  • 1
    Mmkay, it seems like it would only be beneficial to have a questions section, like we already have the question rant type, it could just filter those.
  • 0
    I just noticed a little grammar error: in the last sentence I wanted to say that you don't want to lock out people BUT THAT YOU WANT to share knowledge with everyone! *phew* 🙈
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