Week : 49

How is the weekend going?

How do you miss a standing target? Is it because he swung his head a little bit when the shot was taken?

Previous Week : https://devrant.com/rants/10901668

  • 4
    Coming from a country where we don't routinely take pot shots at each other, I can't really comment on the proper aiming technique.
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    The Green card man couldn’t let this timeline spiral into total nuclear war so he had to intervene
  • 2
    I mostly eat plants lately, but I tried an omi beef steak yesterday and it was probably the best stake I’ve ever had.
  • 1
    The shooter was rushed. He was approached by a police officer right before the shooting, he pointed the gun at the officer. The officer fell off the ladder as a result. He then shot at Trump.

    There are a lot of problems however. The roof should have been monitored. Police were warned about the shooter 3 or more minutes before the shooting. That roof should have been guarded/monitored. Huge failure or on purpose. The shooter was in a Blackrock video in 2023 and was an actor of some sort. This smells like CIA recruitment.
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    @Demolishun I heard he was a 20-year-old male who was bullied in school pretty much every day. Typical American
  • 0
    @sandeepbalan I have heard a lot of stories. But nothing solid. Probably should do the 48 hour wait to see.
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    @sandeepbalan this really trips me out. When I hear the word "prophet" I tune out most of the time. But this dude describes the shooting 4 months ago with crazy detail. It is also weird that he talks about this at the 666 second mark. So I dunno what to make of this:

  • 1
    because Americans can't shoot for shit despite having more guns than food
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