The only moral action at this point is to disrupt corporations and banks and wear them down as much as possible

  • 3
    that would be self destructive

    if you don't wanna be a shit and an actual benefit I would suggest starting your own corporations and banks that will eclipse theirs, so that you don't doom the citizens to suffer without these services and degrade everyone's quality of life and consequentially murder people. don't be a commie, murdering your fellow citizens out of selfish rage
  • 1
    @jestdotty starting your own company to destroy another only reinforces the process of greed and separation of classes. The competition potential grows weaker and weaker for small businesses everyday. It’s a problem that can only be solved thru third-party activism. It’s not a communist view to destroy monoliths and monopolies which the citizens of the nation are pawns to.

    How could that action to hurt the upper class be a traitorous action to the majority of the public?!?
  • 0
    @jestdotty you can be silly and make up things about me but it doesn’t really prove any difference to what I have pointed out
  • 2
    @jestdotty hmm says the one who constantly schizo posts every day on devrant 🤔

    Some would say jestdotty is a sap sucker, some would say energy vampire, but I just call it mental illness
  • 0
    to destroy all humans
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