
Is it possible to print something on the moon using laser from earth ?

If so the first shit we will see are advertisements.

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    Why wouldn't it be possible? Why stop at the moon, though, when satellites can fill the whole sky?
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    @electrineer Space graffiti tech is what we need. I can see people drawing on the moon instead of browsing internet.
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    The energy would spread out a lot.


    Also, what would it burn? There isn't O2.

    I cannot find a number, but the lasers they shoot the moon with are not small. A lot of the energy is lost getting through the atmosphere. Though I heard there are like a bunch of gigawatt satellites orbiting Earth. But I think those are too small.
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    @Demolishun yeah that’s original article https://nasa.gov/missions/...

    we need to wait for Artemis program to complete first, they’re 1-3 years behind already, supposed to be landing on moon this year

    I’m waiting for the toyota camper that will allow to travel 30 days on the moon surface ( not a joke )

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    @Demolishun nothing will burn. it will melt
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    Of course it’s possible. We would just need an absurdly powerful laser, enough to deploy the needed energy to the moon’s surface and make the writing big enough to be able to see from the earth.

    Plausible with our current tech, even if all humanity made this their top priority? Probably not.
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    I think if you fire this laser from earth, it will probably heat up the atmosphere, and contribute to global warming as least, maybe more.

    This reminds me of some XKCD explained where Randall Munroe tries to explain what happens if you point laser pointers to the moon:

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    @WillemD also a fun fact: By moving your hand while pointing the laser pointer at the moon, you can make the dot on the surface move faster than the speed of light.

    This doesn’t violate any physics law, though, because you can’t use this to transfer information faster than the speed of light. It’s only an apparent movement.
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    @molaram So you think the question is how big cock it should be to print something on moon surface ?
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