New Figma UI is shit

  • 2
    No wonder, they can only go downhill with the mental model they're stuck in.

    Penpot's got it right with Components recently! Neat job.
  • 0
    From a business perspective, they should make Figma worse until it's only slightly more professional than Miro. Then they can add all the missing features back but for an extra fee. They can try and act like Adobe, until another startup disrupts the market with a new professional tool with a nice UI, which will of course deteriorate and become more expensive as soon as the disruptors have enough customers to become the next de-facto-standard who will eventually be obsoleted by another disruptor and so on.

    (Update: turned out that there was no "new UI" in my case, but I got promoted to have editing permissions, which puts the seemingly missing export settings to the bottom of the design tab. I wonder how many devs might have suspected that their Figma UI got broken or restricted when it's the other way round)
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