
Things I don't think I ever want to own. Large battery powered vehicles: bikes, cars, trucks, etc. They seem to be quite good for carbon reduction though. People don't seem to survive the fires they cause.

  • 3
    nuclear fusion needs lithium

    so I think the green scam is to get recycled batteries and reuse the lithium when the west finally figures out the nuclear fusion tech
  • 5
    There's always finding solutions to problems one himself fabricated; the situation with motorized vehicles is a good example. Essentially, there's downsides to relying on draft animals or pedals, but batteries and combustion engines are no different.

    A self-driving car causing a fatal accident, although ridiculously extreme, is another appropriate example: it's tough taking an issue seriously when it doesn't even need to exist in the first place.

    What we can say with absolute certainty is that humanity survived for far longer without even the most primitive of these modern maquina, with all notions of the end times remaining religious in nature. At the turnaround point this equation is inverted in several ways, chief among them is being godless with cataclysmic doom drawing ever closer becoming a scientifically-proven guaranteed consequence of human idiocy rather than a matter made purely of belief.

    A most divine transformation.
  • 2
    People forget the first gen cars and engines were trash as well 🤷🏻 it has a century plus on EV. Give it the same amount of time and the same effort as we give coal and see what can happen
  • 1
    @mostr4am this actually sounds appealing.
  • 1
    @Demolishun That is what I do, and I absolutely hate it.
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