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    had to actually look it up because it was not communicated to me what it was

    > In 2023, Dilbert was dropped by numerous newspapers and its distributor, Andrews McMeel Syndication, after Adams published a video in which he referred to black people as a "hate group" and advised white people to "get the hell away from black people." Adams later said this was a use of hyperbole.[2][3] He has continued the strip as Dilbert Reborn on his locals.com website since March 2023.

    so I guess he's of the camp that believes in the great replacement of white people theory. he ain't wrong. S&P 500 hired like 200k new employees and 95% of them were people of color last year or something like that, and he was a office politics commentator so I guess he saw it coming before everybody else
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    > He later falsely suggested on a YouTube livestream that people unvaccinated against COVID-19 were less likely to contract the disease than vaccinated people.[98]

    he is actually correct and everybody knows it now, and yet that stays on there

    this guy's wiki is just a hit job by this point

    *cries in vaccine injury anger*
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    > On June 28, 2020, Adams said on Twitter that the Dilbert TV show was cancelled because he was white and UPN had decided to focus on an African-American audience, and that he had been "discriminated against".[99] In a series of comic strips in September 2022, Dilbert parodied environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) strategies. Part of the plotline involved a black character who "identif[ied] as white" and the company management asking him if he could also identify as gay.[100] According to Adams, the week of September 19, Dilbert was pulled from 77 newspapers owned by Lee Enterprises


    well he's got a point tho

    these people have no sense of humor. that's why you miss him. anything good is illegal now
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    > On February 22, 2023, Adams responded to a poll by Rasmussen Reports that asked respondents if they agreed with the statement "it's okay to be white",[103][101] a seemingly innocuous phrase that the Anti-Defamation League said was being used online in 2017 as part of an alt-right trolling campaign and is associated with the white supremacist movement.[3][104] The poll showed 53% of black respondents agreed with the phrase, 26% disagreed, and 21% were not sure.[105] On a YouTube livestream of his Real Coffee with Scott Adams program, Adams, who said he was upset that nearly half did not agree, characterized black people as a "hate group" and said "the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people; just get the fuck away."[2][106][107] His comments were widely characterized as racist.[105][108][109

    poor guy

    sound advice though, if the law and the mob thinks you're the aggressor in all circumstances that's your only choice
  • 2
    @jestdotty you’re just fucking dumb 😂
  • 3
    He admitted he was wrong about the vaccines. He was all for them. Then later realized he was wrong. He has made statements about this.

    He is also right about the black thing. He has spent a lot of money trying to help black communities. He said it hasn't improved anything. There are a bunch of videos of black people who have noticed that same things he has noticed about black neighborhoods. They agree with him. They are also glad he started the conversation. It needed to be said. The people that call his racist are media worshipers. Or they didn't listen to what he actually said.

    I would suggest watching it yourself and not taking the word of whoever wrote the stuff you posted.
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    @jestdotty yeah they dropped comics because person who creates them has different believes than corporations

    Little step by step they’re removing a daily dose of laugh from us so we can be more angry and more easily manipulated.

    We can’t even tell how we feel today because that’s inappropriate.

    You must be happy and tolerant, listen to everyone’s favorite influencers that tell you how to work more and survive for less.

    People are so hypnotized and brainwashed I don’t know if they will wake up when they start dying from hunger if right now they don’t wake up from dying from obesity. Internet right now is like eugenics 2.0
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    @Demolishun whatever he does and believes I want my comic strip back.

    Canceled 50 year old guy because he can’t make friends and doesn’t fit into the celebrity filled room of assholes.

    Where we’re heading now is singing advertisements like in Demolition Man movie, eating shit and walking like robots.

    I want my daily dose of laughter back so at least I wont be pissed at looking how art becomes shit and history is getting altered to the one and only almighty tolerance god machine.
  • 1
    @mostr4am It is true but you need to wait couple of more decades for the process to be successful. It can’t be fast because people will fight back so you start from ground up.

    Here’s inverted pyramid for you.
  • 2
    @mostr4am Thank you for your cooperation.
  • 0
    @jestdotty do you want to know the fucked up thing? You could have flown to Mexico and bought iver for humans at the duty free store. Or drove to Northern Idaho/Montana and bought it at western supply store. FDA even admitted it was somewhat effective. But you cannot authorize EA if a treatment exists. So they rejected the use. FDA gets a fuckton of money from pharma. It also seems to be a rotating door for FDA people to work at pharma and vice versa. The weird thing is people who anti establishment were all of a sudden pro pharma.
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