Oh fucking Huawei.
Fuck you.
- Honor 6x (BLN-L22C675)
- Has EMUI4.1 Marshmallow
- Cousin brother 'A' (has bricking XP!)
- Uncle 'K'
- Has Mac with Windows VM
- Stock as LineageOS / AOSP

Procedure (fucking seriously):
- Find XDA link to root H6X
- Go to Huawei page and fill out form
- Receive and use bootloader code
- Find latest TWRP
- Flash latest TWRP
- TWRP not working? Bootloops
- XDA search "H6X boot to recovery"
- Find and try modded TWRP
- TWRP fails, no bootloop
- Find & flash TWRP 3.1.0
- Yay! TWRP works
- Find and download LineageOS and SuperSU
- Flash via TWRP
- Yay! Success.
- Attempt boot
- Boot fails. No idea why
- Go back to TWRP
- TWRP gives shitload of errors
"cannot mount /data, storage etc."
- Feel fucked up
- Notice that userdata partition exists,
but FSTAB doesn't take
- Remembers SuperSU modded boot
image and FSTABS!
- Fuck SuperSU
- Attempt to mod boot image
- Doesn't work (modded successfully
but no change)
- Discover Huawei DLOAD
Installer for "UPDATE.APP" OTAs
Note: Each full OTA is 2+ GB zipped
- Find, download, fail on 4+ OTAs
- Discover "UPDATE.APP Extractor"
Runs on Windows
Note: UPDATE.APP custom format
Different per H6X model
- Uses 'K''s VM to test
- My H6X model does not have
a predefined format
- Process to get format requires
TWRP, which is not working
- Discover "Firmware Finder"
Windows app to find Huawei
- Tries 'K''s VM
- Fails with 1 OTA
- Downloads another firmware ZIP
- Unzips and tries to use OTA
- Works?!
- Boots successfully?!
- Seems to have EMUI 5.0 Nougat
- Downloads, flashes TWRP
- TWRP not working AGAIN?
- Go back to XDA page
- Find that TWRP on EMUI 5 - NO
- Find rollbacks for EMUI5 -> EMUI4
- Test, fail 2-4 times (Massive OTAs)
- DLOAD accepts this one?!!!
- Re-unlock and reflash TWRP
- Realise that ROMs aren't working on
EMUI 4.1; Find TWRPs for EMUI5
- Find and fail with 2-3 OTAs
Note: Had removed old OTAs for
space on Chromebook (32GB)
- In anger, flash one with TWRP
instead of DLOAD (which checks
- Works! Same wasn't working with
- Find and flash a custom TWRP
as old one still exists (not wiped in
- Try flashing LineageOS
- LineageOS stuck in boot
- Try flashing AOSP
- Same
- Try flashing Resurruction Remix
- Same
- Realise that need stock EMUI5
- Realise that the firmware I installed
wasn't for my device so not working
- Try another custom TWRP
- Begin getting '/cust mounting' errs
- Try reflashing EMUI5 with TWRP
- Doesn't work
- Try DLOADing EMUI5
- Like before, incompatability
- Reunlock and reflash TWRP

  • 6
    Buy a pixel gg
  • 2
    No money
    Just bad choice on my part
    My parents got it, and I'm not getting any new shit

    P.S For anybody who thinks this is for Xmas: It's not for Xmas.
  • 2
    This is almost my experience verbatim, stretched out over a year and a half with a Huawei P9. Great phone on paper, great hardware and build quality, absolutely outstanding camera, but rom support is really only active/available for European variants of the device. I had the locked-down great firewall Chinese variant, sold to me by a US-based Amazon seller that disappeared after the sale was done.

    I will not be getting a Huawei device again, unless they start using snapdragons.
  • 1
    Supersu, either by flashing or letting it "update" has been causing boot loops on my phone. I just reverted to an older version, and everything works.
  • 1
    Fuck, I just installed lineageOs on a xiaomi redmi2... It was easy as fuck.
    And it rocks ass.
  • 1
    I've concluded that OnePlus has the best phone both for support (dev-wise), quality and battery life. Currently on a 5T.

    I've been using Nexus devices for a good long while and I've also had some experience flashing/using Chinese brands (fuck family seriously).

    Nexus never really got a good battery life... Ever....
    And if you want to use Chinese devices and not waste your time you basically have to go with miui... Or lineage OS on xiaomi devices (not aware of stable-ish versions for other oems)

    Oxygen OS (OnePlus) is the first non-pure Android OS I didn't want to rip out instantly. Also easy as fuck to root (magisk), unlock and there are custom roms all over the place.
  • 0
    - Flashed some guy's customized stock.
    - Weirdly, includes full (paid) Titianium Backup.
    - Flashed his LineageOS on that.
    - WORKS! YAY!
    - Messing around
    - Notice SIM doesn't work
    - Applied the fix he gave
    - Not working
    - Notice camera doesn't work
    - Use old phone for SIM and shit

    - Using Magisk
    - Tried to use Substratum
    - Themed Android System
    - Bootloop
    - Went to recovery, flashed Legacy Rescue
    - Not working
    - Have a full TB backup, so wipe everything, wipe system, install other OS, then reinstall Lineage on top.

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