I can't believe my kill list is still growing, my last big one was Nanos and now it's JestDotty quitting the Matrix group.

Damn, I didn't know I possessed such power.

  • 4
    I thought that a kill list was a list of people that you want to kill and not that you killed already.
    I suggest to call it a killed list. Naming is important.
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    @Lensflare ah shit, too late to change the rant now. Whoops.
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    @jestdotty Maybe don't act like a total bitch next time someone calls you out on your blatant and unapologetic racism.

    Go be friends with that other bitch @awesomeest and form a group with her. And name that group "Racist white bitches" lmao
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    2-week delay but I just had to comment because you made my day. An indian guy calling me racist... LOL, very literally.

    Fyi, one of my best friends growing up was my next door neighbour... an indian kid ~2yrs younger than me. His name was saro; i thought his name was like the male version of my name, sara. I also have a good friend, and former business partner that's indian, several other indian (also black, asian, hispanic and beyond) friends, and various other relationship types.

    Frankly, i wouldn't be surprised if i actually have more close friends and acquaintances that are indian (including ones that currently live in india) than you. Im still learning hindi but i can understand a fair amount just because i grew up surrounded by indians.

    Dear sid,
    Just because someone dislikes you, doesnt mean they blame all of india for you being an unoriginal douche that lacks any semblance of creativity. Sometimes the problem is just you-- likely often, in your case.
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    @jestdotty as stereotypical and potentially racist as this will sound...
    I've found that the vast majority of the time, i can identify male indian ignorant, entitled, asshats at first smell. I am really sensitive to smells though.

    If they have little to no odor from at least a meter away, there's ~75% chance they are logical, level-headed and tolerable. If they clearly smell like aftershave, run. A obvious but non-suffocating smell of curry OR cologne, nearly always decent, tolerable, people. The big red flag is if they clearly smell like cologne and curry at the same time. Those tend to be narcissistic entitled ignoramuses.

    Creepy facial hair (like a grown man with an 80s porno, or pencil thin, mustache) applies equally as it does to Caucasians.

    I can gauge indian women pretty easily but how is much harder to explain and not typically scent-related... aside from typical global flags like provocative clothing in odd environments or lack of hygiene.
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    @jestdotty forgot this...

    You reminded me of this girl from back when i still thought i should/needed to get a college degree. She was one of the many people(just over ½ the class) in my 101 level comp sci course (i think 'intro to programming' or something... wacko teacher, low af level js. I was well beyond it since ~8yrs old)

    Like many young indian women ive known, she was super reserved and quiet... til i ended up saying/doing something that caught her off-guard and she burst out laughing. Then she was pleasantly conversational, funny and opinionated.

    I cant think of her name right now (im notoriously poor with names), but i remember it was identical in spelling to the name of a lesser-known ED pill brand. I ended up informing her of that almost immediately(since i queried about the spelling and this was back when i was much worse at knowing/following social norms). Apparently she was unaware so did loads of research then came back cracking tons of jokes about it.
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    @awesomeest @jestdotty

    See the power I have? I don't have to be even remotely racist to get these kind of responses from both of you.

    Two bitches bitching and moaning about Indians. Well, bitches be bitchin'. Cry some more, see if it helps.
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    @jestdotty im pretty sure sid would fit into the poor personal hygiene and/or creepy facial hair categories. I find it oddly amusing that he apparently has no clue what racism and/or irony are, just keeps digging himself deeper.
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