
Sorry to keep whining about my stupid fucking job, but y'all, I think I'm nearing my limit.

There's some good...I am pretty much free to resolve issues any way I want to, as the only other person in the company who "codes" only knows one old ass language that doesn't apply to 90% of the rest of the tech stack at all, and some SQL - all of that to say, we may disagree, but ultimately, these matters are always deferred to me at the end of the day, insofar as the actual implementation goes (which is to say I am not micromanaged). At least as far as non-visuals are concerned, because those of course, are the most important things. Button colors and shit, woo hoo**. That's what we should focus on as we're bringing in potentially millions of dollars per month - the god damn button color and collapsible accordions based on data type over the shit ass DB performance bottleneck, the lack of redundancy or backups (aside from the one I made soon after I started -- literally saved everyone today because of that. My thanks? None, and more bullshit tasks) or the 300GB+ spaghetti code nightmare that is the literal circulatory system of the FUCKING COMPANY. Hundreds of people depend on it for their livelihoods, and those of their families, but fuck me in the face, right? I'm just a god damn nerd who has worked for the federal government, a handful of fortune 500's, a couple of fortune 100's, some startups, etc. But the fuck do I know about the lifecycle of companies?

I could continue ranting, but what's the point? I've got a nice little adage that I've started to live by, and y'all might appreciate it: "If everything is a priority/is important, nothing is". These folks just don't fucking get it. I'm torn because, on the one hand, they waste my time and kinda underpay me, in addition to forcing me to be onsite for 50 hours a week. They don't listen to me, couldn't give a flying shit about my experientially based opinions. I'm just a fucking chimp with a typewriter, there to take commands like a fucking waiter. But there's a lot of job security, assuming I don't fucking snap one day, and the job market for devs (I'm sure I don't need to tell you) is hostile atm. I'm also drinking far more than usual, and I really need to do something about that. It's only wednesday - I think...not 100% on that truth be told, and I logged my fourth trip to the liquor store this week already.

**Dear backenders - don't ever learn front end, or if you do, just lie about it to avoid being designated full stack. It's not worth it.

  • 5
    This rant is as realistic as it gets. They don't say "play the system or get played" for no reason

    I wish you stopped drinking like this. It is not going to help in any way at all. Talk to your superior or that one peer you have, establish some process, demand a raise or at least quit. But don't forget to take care of your Health, please. That's far more important than any of this
  • 3
    Nice rant.

    Your last tip is what i exactly do, I lied about not able to do it at few companies but eventually you'll end up typing Vue too after you repaired the printer 😁 Vue is fun tho. But frontend doesn't feel good to me, not decent, with so much dependencies.

    Watch out it with drinking :)
  • 1
    It must suck donkey balls out there.
    What to tell you? Sounds to me you don't get the respect you deserve, so "negotiate new terms and conditions" that satisfy you.
    If they ask "what do you want?" You can either lay down your terms or you can reply "make me an offer I cannot refuse, so make it count!"

    As others said, liquor is le bad, but I'm sure you won't allow yourself to get brought down by just that.
  • 0
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