
Office laptop takes one hour to boot. Reason why we can' t upgrade is to save money..what about my time...you pricks...

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    Welcome to devRant! It is counterproductive and a productivity deterrent. A concise analysis may sway managements mind.

    If I have an opportunity over the next couple of weeks I will do a ROI analysis on upgrading. Are other devs encountering this type of issue?
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    So they wanna save money by wasting time? tell them to explain that logic please 😟
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    Technically your time is their money too. Even if it takes an extra 10 minutes a day. That really adds up quick. In 6 days it's already a free hour they paid you for.
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    Same thing here, 4GB workstation for SQL Dev or BYOD
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    16gb ram, i7 2.4ghz here.

    But enough security software installed to cause the most mundane actions to take forever: 10secs to open a webpage, 2 minutes to compile simple console app.

    Also no admin privileges, and not allowed to change os.

    luckily we can bring our own device
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    @thassiov security reasons :( they cant allow data breach of any kind.
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    that's why we now have SSD drives. Someone sat down and did the math on compile time and it paid for itself in a few months. Hooray for management sometimes listening.
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