
Inspired by @EqualityCoder post aboutJjava:

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    Apparently I have a stutter... Jjava...
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    @Demolishun Jjava is a completely different language and has nothing to do with Java!!
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    think I'd boil it down to "does it run" for bottom and top

    and you can put your JavaScript hate in with the middle
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    @jestdotty yes, I always make exceptions for JS. Cause it is stupid. Weird though, JS doesn't have exceptions...
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    JS does have Error, which behaves kinda like exceptions, but explicit mention to exceptions is only made when the inevitable C++ under the hood to make all these languages work craps itself.
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    JS try catch works just the same as in C++, theoretically.

    You just have to deal with shit inherent to running on an event loop always.

    And of course, if your underlying C++ implementation craps out on you, you're fucked anyway.
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    It's not that wasm is novel.

    You are hitting ABI compatibility problems, which is something every programmer should be aware of, but unfortunately, shit like js, python, (and wasm, by virtue of it being js-compatible C code) and the like, hide from you.
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    Also, you seem to be confusing multi threading and promises.

    Promises are not multi threading.

    I don't know about rust, but node, for all the shit it deserves, always handled u handled rejections properly.
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    Ok, that's just it. You are retarded.

    I'm gonna just skip by all the incel bullshit, because you couldn't be any more wrong, but yeah, no

    Promises work nothing at all like threads. Promises are an async construct, which has nothing to do with multi threading, but I guess I'll leave you in your utter ignorance since I don't want to "mansplain", Durr...

    The idiocy sometimes...

    Ah, and by the way, I think it merits here to say that I just got home from being very not an incel.
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    I am starting to understand what Turing felt. Being able to converse with other consciousnesses without the burden of biology.
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    @jestdotty I have no idea what in any of what @CoreFusionX said made you think he's an incel, you're the only one that mentioned mothers. "Trying to correct a woman" is not incel behavior, get over yourself, nor is it mansplaining, you're just sexist, or narcissistic, or both.
    Also, really? You think people correcting you are trying to flirt with you? Get off your high horse, nobody likes you, nobody is trying to flirt with you. I'm starting to think all the times you complained about how all the guys at work try to flirt with you was just some dude saying "hi" and you immediately (figuratively)hissing thinking you're being flirted with.
    Or you just hate men in general, woulsn't surprise me considering how you talk about men, and wouldn't surprise me considering you're racist and how much you hate Indians.

    TL;DR A Mansplain.
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    No one is fucking targeting you. And, most definitely, no one is hitting on you.

    You @'d me first, even, on a comment that wasn't addressed to you to begin with.

    And now you prove your subpar reading comprehension mentioning my ex wife.

    Fun fact, I've never been married.
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    @jestdotty "Nobody likes me?" Well, with how you act towards others, yeah, I have to assume very little people actually like you, so why would anyone flirt with you? Maybe a few people, but definitely not everyone as you claim.

    "I realize I'm hurt you said this" Okay, while I'm still standing behind what I said, if you're GENUINELY hurt by this, I'm willing to apologize at least for that.

    About the rest of the paragraph, there is no contradiction there, I do like our arguments, and as I said before, I like that you're one of the only people who calls me out on my bullshit. I just don't like you(and I'm saying this non-rudely this time), I don't like people who behave to others in the way you behave to others. Liking some of our arguments doesn't mean I like you, you can enjoy a conversation with someone you don't like.
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    @jestdotty About the friendship and trinkets paragraph:
    I still stand behind everything I said about friendship.
    "I think that means you wouldn't pick a trinket for me" Yeah? I wouldn't... Because you're not my friend .-.
    At least I don't see you as one. If you for some reason consider me a friend, well, consider me SHOCKED, because it sounds like you hate like half the people on the platform.
    "I think what you told me must've been a lie" As I said, I stand behind what I told you about friendship. But in the end, it's your life, you do you, and you choose your friends, if you think people who can't even bother to help you with a small thing are friends, well, then I'm sad for you.

    You can't accuse me of not acting on my words because I have no obligations towards you, we're acquaintances.
    If you really wanna know that I "put my money where my mouth is" I'm literally going to a different city in a week or two to grab a safe for a really good friend. I'd even be willing to pay for it.
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    @jestdotty "I think you should be happy" Okay, I'm really sorry for the honesty, but kinda..... Yeah...
    Well, not EVERYONE, retoor was sad to see you go. Retoor likes you.
    There wasn't like a celebration or anything, but yeah, people were happy that someone who's constantly rude to them left.
    Now, I'm not intending to hurt your feelings with this message, but maybe consider this as a sign that perhaps you should be a little more kind and a little less hateful and rude towards others.
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    @jestdotty "You like Sid for repeatedly sending me death threats" First, I don't much like sid either... Tho he *has* been growing on me, so I'll probably like him at some point.
    Second, I don't remember him sending you explicit death threats, or are you still considering calling you racist as a death threat like you said in the Matrix?

    "Secretly didn't like me while showing something else to my face" Idk mate, I'm pretty sure I never hid my dislikes, and I said what I think about you openly in the matrix multiple times. No secrets there.

    Only now you think we're pieces of shit? I keep saying the Matrix side is toxic as fuck every chance I get.

    And what advice are you talking about?? I was literally replying to points you made, what advice did you find there?
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    I feel personally attacked /s, especially after realizing pandas is practically its own language.
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    @jestdotty If Sid sent you death threats than no, it's not okay.
    Aside from that, what can I say, treat people like a jerk? Get treated like a jerk.
    You like to call people out but you seem to be unable to deal with people calling you out.
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    @jestdotty Clingy??
    Wait wait wait, you don't think I'm flirting with you too, do you?
    I can't believe I actually need to say it explicitly but just in case, I'm not into you nor do I flirt with you, right?
    "You sound reasonable on the surface" I'm sorry when did I ever sound reasonable.
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    @SoldierOfCode those sex dungeons getting to your head. maybe not everything is about your porn addiction. done slandering?

    yeah. clingy. you had a lot to contribute to this thread. notably, in regards to me. me this, me that

    fuck off now. you gonna keep coming back throwing a new thing every time?
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    You pulled it off again.

    Anyone says something that you don't like? They are incels, or they have a porn addiction, and you are the perfectly normal one.

    Calling people clingy, when you are the one that keeps on annoying people with your retarded mental gymnastics.

    And finally, telling others to fuck off when you are the one headbutting (or should I say buttbutting, because you are an ass?) into every topic with your retarded takes...

    Ah. Sorry. I forgot. I'm not hitting on you either.
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    @j0n4s it's over-caffeinated turtles all the way down.
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