
Just fucking use the defacto standard. Shut up. Quit being immature. You're not the main character. No one in the world will use your new standard you pull out of your ass just because you thought you were better than other people. You weren't. You're an average dev by any means. If you feel like no one respects you, keep your ego problems out of your work. Just because your emotions are valid doesn't mean all of us have to live with them turned into code.

If I needed a web framework, I would've used React. I don't use React not because I wrote my own framework. I don't need a framework, like at all. Unless you think that ~300 LOC utils.js file + no build system whatsoever is a framework that is.

Sorry, just encountered non-upper-snake-cased environment variables and wanted to vent.

  • 3
    "upper-snake-case"? it's called "kebab-case". and it's distusting by any name.

    it's time to embrace our lord and savior, PascalCase!
  • 2
    @tosensei huh? I thought kebab-case and UPPER_SNAKE_CASE were different
  • 3
    @kiki aaah. i assumed that you actually demonstrated the casing you described, as is common practice.

    yet again, what you mean is MY_CAPS_AND_SPACE_KEYS_ARE_BROKEN_CASE
  • 1
    BRB getting this tattooed on my chest
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