
Somebody posted about 2 wormholes on Avorion forum. I couldn't resist the Office Space reference:

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    @jestdotty I bought games on sale I never played...
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    Ed said this was funny. Do people not watch Office Space anymore?
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    @Demolishun they do not you are old

    hell when I saw office space I was so young I thought it was a documentary. my bf is a fan of Mike judge he keeps telling me and I think he said office space was like his favourite movie. he said it IS a documentary! but I mean like. I think I was like 9. I just assumed that's what it was.

    and then cue "IT IS HOW IT IS!"

    at any rate

    at a certain point it's not a comedy anymore it's actually really tame compared to modern era
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    men. all we think of is Hole.

    All day and all night, nothing but Hole.

    It's almost a haiku.
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