Do drugs, kids. Stay away from programming.

- @SoldierOfCode, 2024

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    Actual genuine quote btw xD
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    Drugs is still better than what JavaScript does to your brain.
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    Best is to combine it (i've heard ;)).

    Coding is a kinda drug, resolving issues makes happy. Days like today, whole day coding makes me happy as F
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    @jestdotty i'm sure that React is the end result of drugs yeah. Not uppers, but downers. Alcohol and weed.

    Brainfuck is a nice braintraining! You know how it works? Try to calculate 5*5 with it. I dare you. Also, i dare you to write an interpreter for it. Done in few hours (can do it now in a half maybe). Many interpreters online are not good. Not supporting recursion and stuff
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