
We live in the world where “At least I’m not a pedophile” is a genuine PR strategy. If you’re kinda famous, all you have to do is clear the lowest bar imaginable.

  • 1
    I couldn't give a shit about Mr Beast or Dr Disrespect. Never liked both of those shit heads.

    Cody Ko hurt me, though. I thought he was one of the funny, good ones.
  • 4
    I am *mildly* entertained by the downfalls, and much moreso puzzled by these types of morally bankrupt imbeciles becoming famous in the first place.

    Take Beast, for instance. An insufferable asshole at best, just going from that inhuman fucking smile, the obscene flaunting of wealth, mass publicization of charitable acts for PR, promotion of covert gambling, etcétera. I am not even remotely surprised there are further, much deeper reasons to consider him an immense ball of shit.

    But somehow idiots like this keep making it, almost seems like they're hand-picked; what a monumental and irreversible level of jacking off the human mind has lowered itself to.
  • 1
    “I know that you think we are a shitty group, but did you know that Hitler was worse?”
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