I wasted 470 rupees ($5.6 USD) recharging on the wrong WiFi account, today.

😭 How's your Friday going? 😭

(I did ask Customer support if it can be refunded but they said No, it's not in the policy to refund these transactions).

It's a good thing I always chose 1 month recharge over 3, 6 or 12 months recharge, otherwise I'd have killed myself today.

  • 0
    Bro you wanna do beat
  • 0
    Suxx to be you huh? :s how come u dont ust use 3g?
  • 3
    What does recharging on the wrong wifi account mean?
  • 2
    @retoor i had 2 accounts. One of my hometown and one for where I live. I accidentally recharged my home town's WiFi which is turned off since a long time
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy so, the town itself has a wifi? Cool. But why don't do them [345]g? So you don't have a wifi router in house but connect directly with device to town wifi?
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I won't sleep until you told me how it works
  • 1
    @retoor i don't know what's tripping you up. I have a WiFi account for where I lived in West Bengal, and I have one account for where I live now.

    Two places, two different wifi routers, two accounts, but one company providing both services.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy but it's wifi of the city or why does it cost money? The concept is unknown here
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy yea we dont have wifi account we only have public wifi and its free
  • 0
    @mostr4am here it's one big lan gaming network
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