I absolutely despise companies that do automated interview processes. You need to sit and talk to a candidate to properly vet them, then again there are some dumb interviewers who ask the most ridiculous questions

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    Not familiar with this - what dies an automated interview entail? Just forms?
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    Sounds like a great way to get a team of braindead code monkeys.
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    Be like them and let ChatGPT answer the interview
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    That's because 95% of candidats can't answer a "hello world" type of question. So yeah, first screening line is to ask the dumb, easy question.

    here is an example to you :

    DateTime date;

    Console.Writeln ( date == null ? "Null" : date.ToString())

    Just ask what is the output ? 95% of 'people applying can't answer.
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    @NoToJavaScript where do you get the 95% from? I would say it’s 5%.
    Obviously it also depends, but 95% seems to be too high no matter what.
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    i think automated interview processes are great.

    they are a unmistakable indicator that you should never ever ever even think about applying to a company ever again.
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    @Lensflare So bare in mind. It was around 18 months ago. here is the FULL question defintion :

    What is the output of the short program below? Explain your answer.

    class Program


    static String location;

    static DateTime time;

    static void Main()


    Console.WriteLine(location == null ? "location is null" : location);

    Console.WriteLine(time == null ? "time is null" : time.ToString());



    And back in the day (Not true now), chatGPT was producing wrong response.

    But out of 50ish people, 45 or more were wrong on this question. I strongly suspect copy/paste in chatGPT. Which really was not so great at the time
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    @Lensflare Oh and even now. So here is a question number 3. Which actually has a one line code solution. It can literally be resolved fast and "just with a bit" of overhead in 1 line of code .

    ChatGPT weill produce something like 30+ lines of code and people will just copy paste it. This one I just retested. And it's still the case today.

    Rotating numbers: Write a function which takes 2 integer parameters n and x. This function should return n numbers after x which are read the same after rotating them by 180 degrees. Examples:





    Additional information: digits: 2,3,4,5,7 cannot be “rotated”

    Or small edit : The part when you "rotate" the number is a one liner. Still needs couple of lines of code :)
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    @NoToJavaScript IIRC, DateTime is a struct. So, it cannot be null. Shouldn’t date == null be a compilation error?
    And what kind of mistake do the people make with this specific interview question?

    About the original topic:
    If the problem is that people use chatgpt to answer interview questions, then it’s an argument for face to face interviews and not automatic ones.
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