
er guys... I don’t think i can code anymore.

I was unable to do anything for like 2 weeks while i was away and it’s been a month since i got back and like... I’m blanking out big time. I sit and stare at my computer and everything but there is like 0 motivation/interest. I’m fairly new to it tbh so i thought this is was a good time to try new languages but still no.

Any ideas or advice please? It’s like come weird ass code block.

  • 3
    I get that burn/blank out too.

    I normally get over it by investigating and starting a project I think is cool, interesting and beneficial (lastest one is rebuilding our portal on the laravel framework using a bootstrap admin theme).

    Sometimes I finish them and sometimes I don't but just starting seems to get the gears in motion and a day or two later in back doing the projects I'm assigned.
  • 1
    @jschmold i cant even deny that
  • 1
    Coders block
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