
i have to say this. its very important and mind blowing even to a shitbeast like me. a few days ago i shitted such a massive turd that it got stuck in the toilet. the shit was THAT big. BIG SHIT 💩.i flushed. nothing. flushed 3 more times. nothing. i gave up and went to work. i completely forgot to flush it again. came back to shit again now and the toilet STANK LIKE A MF. worse than a sewer. i could see my HUGE TURD floating in pieces in the toilet, while the other BIG turd is still stuck in the fucking toilet. i flushed aggressively again. the fucking turd is still stuck and wont get the fuck out. now i have a toilet with shit in it and it stinks like sewer cause the turd was there for several days or so. i have to get a plunger 🪠 AGAIN to get this shit out of my fking toilet! 🚽 Right now, i have to go to my 2 of 3 toilets to take a new shit, and i hope it doesnt get clogged again! as i am shitting while writing this, i can already see how HUGE the new turd is! this is incredible. what the fuck am i shitting?! did i eat a fucking elephant or sum?

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