My mom just showed me this on her facebook news feed and said, " Look <insert nickname>, it's the same "e" browser you've asked me not to use !!"

  • 4
    Tell your mom to spread the word not to use IE/Edge in the society.
  • 1
    Conduct a society community meeting and let your mom deliver a talk IE about its pros/cons

    Pros: Got the opportunity to talk about IE in front of everyone

    Cons: It fucks up with everyone, users and developers.
  • 1
    😇 @Floydian

    Haha @error503, 👍

    My mom is not into technology at all. She relies on my knowledge and assistance @github. Don't really think this would be her cup of tea 😌
  • 0
    @SheShell well. If you train her well, she can one day.
  • 1
    @Floydian I think it's more like: "The community is proud that a son like you raised such a good mother" ;-)
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    Daughter* I'm a girl :c @loebkes
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    @SheShell Sry wasn't intentional
  • 0
    That's okay! Please don't apologize :) @loebkes
  • 1
    Thanks for the ++ @dfox 😁
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