
If your language requires semicolons, I’m not using it
Sorrii 😘

  • 2
    George Orwell thought they were unnecessary. Kurt Vonnegut called them "transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing".

    However, so far as I know, neither of them ever worked with Python.
  • 8
    @-red we can make a language out of it like brainfuck!
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    How about language that requires colors ?
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    Do you minify your Javascript?
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    @vane emoji code! Lol
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    @Demolishun no, as it doesn't need to be minified on the backend, and on the frontend I don't have that many JS to begin with because I don't use frameworks. So far I have no deps on the frontend at aII. Yes, I do dates manually. It's not that hard if you're actually willing to Iearn. I obviously use imports, but they work natively everywhere with script type module.

    The app is three years old.
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    @vane you mean Piet?
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    @kiki pretty much but maybe more colorfull so it can be both a game and a painting in art gallery

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    Okay but only if lines can only begin with tokens that can't ever be an expression continuation, that is to say, adding or removing a newline from a valid program always leads to either a program with identical meaning or an invalid program. Why? Because there are ESLint and Prettier rules to insert semis at the BEGINNING of lines to remove ambiguity, and somewhat less punctuation isn't worth this bullshit:

    let foo = [...arguments]

    ;[a, b, c[ = foo
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    This also happens every time there's a paren at the start of a line, so

    ;(await doThing()).handleResult()
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    Unfortunately, languages that are super passionate about lack of punctuation typically are like that because they actually rank conciseness about clarity or feasibility of parsing, so they end up with pathological nonsense like this. This shows a striking parallel to languages that are hellbent on supporting monkey patching, especially Ruby, which will never have a type checker that can correctly check even all the basic Rails patterns because tooling support requires thinking about the characteristics of your system and not just its aesthetics.
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    @max19931 beat me to it...
    Was gonna say "Now I'm gonna make something like brainfuck except it's just semicolons to spite you"
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    @vane what about color blindness?
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    @max19931 nobody’s perfect
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