
Hey guys! Why don't you share your first code of the year?

(At least a small piece of it)

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    console.log('Hello world')
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    @sudorm-rf You just made my day lol
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    Because it's mine! ๐Ÿ˜’
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    @Darmark at least it wasn't sudo rm -rf /
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    github.com/Zac-Garby/reddis - a Reddit clone using a Redis database ๐Ÿ‘Œ
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    Proprietary :-x
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    @sudorm-rf name checks out
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    This monstrosity:
    (!(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")<0)) ? (document.write ("<script src=\"/js/homepage-oldie.js\"></scr"+"ipt>")) : (document.write ("<script async src=\"/js/homepage.js\"></scr"+"ipt>"));

    Had to support fuckin IE ๐Ÿ™„
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    @hacker I wouldโ€™ve just cleared the page and wrote: You ๐Ÿคฌ IE user donโ€™t deserve to see this site.
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    @RedBorg fucking hell, bro :D

    I vowed to myself to never go back to the "support this and that shitty browser" thing (this is the last time, I promise). But this is my personal site and I wanted decent browser support for *those* clients who still use shitty browsers.

    Speaking of promises, IE doesn't support those either ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    This mess of php from devCredits:

    function userispp($u){
    $apiu = "https://skayo.2ix.at/DevRantStats/...=" . $u;
    $apir = file_get_contents($apiu);
    $uresp = '{"success":false,"reason":"User not found"}';
    if ($apir == $uresp) {
    return false;
    } else {
    return true;
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    puts "fuck off"
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    @ewpratten I took that out in the latest PR ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    I have not written a single line of code this year
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    My ~/.config/fish/config.fish. Added support for Tilix
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    @ShahriyarRulez Starting the new year with a syntax error isn't a great sign.
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    puts "test"
  • 2
    @stiaanvm alright. I will check it out.
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