
Kiki’s meme of the day

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    plot twist: they're the same language, and people from wales are just cyborgs.
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    C came from a time where being cryptic was cool and you could only fit like 10 characters into a line and like 1000 bytes onto your hard drive.

    Anyway, your meme is hilarious 😂
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    @Lensflare I still use super short names in my JS, because I did factually prove it was faster to code this way. I make up for naming with a lot of comments
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    @kiki this is the worst that you can do.
    Writing speed is the least important aspect of writing code.
    Clarity is the most important.
    Descriptive variable names and function names should replace most of the comments in the code.
    You really manage to amaze me in your dev beliefs and practices.
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    @Lensflare Actually it is not when done right.
    is harder to read and distinguish from SuperDuperAbstractFacilitatorSingleton.
    Contains way more crap you read before you get to the unique descriptive part than say Facilitator.

    The closer the variable is to it's usage the more context you have and the shorter you can get. This translates to his deeper the code and the smaller the function the shorter variable and function/method names can be.
    The opposite is also true the further away and more exposed the more verbose you need to be. This is because you don't have the context and in need of some descriptive naming. Still just enough so you can dirive context without making it a chore for your brain to process.
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    I swear that welsh language came from some long lost race of elves from middle earth
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    @Lensflare did you ever question anything in life? You know, the things you were taught? So-called “best practices”?
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    @kiki yes. Questioning stuff is what made me get rid of all of the shit practices. I have been taught different things and worked with different practices. What I have now is the stuff that I settled on from my own experience. And this can change over the years.

    When I have a strong opinion on something, then it’s because I have gathered a lot of experience with it and have tried different alternatives. Not only dev related but everything.
    So no, I’m not one of those idiots who argue about stuff that they themselves don’t have a clue about.
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    @hjk101 that’s the other extreme.
    SuperDuperAbstractFaciliatorSingleton is as bad as "safs".
    Additions to names which don’t contribute to the meaning should be removed.
    Make it as long as necessary, but not longer. And make it as short as possible, but not shorter. Then you have your good name.
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    @Lensflare well, then you probably respect measurements and hold them higher than opinions. If so, why not now?
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    @kiki no. I don’t know how you came to that conclusions.
    It’s not like I value opinions less.
    Different opinions are always hard to accept and understand, by their nature.
    And I doubt that you can really measure the effects of short variable names.
    It’s a very vague and subjective topic.
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    lmao, length of variable names again? Dudes, come on. What a trivial fucking argument to have. I browse everyone's code and it's all about as illegible.

    But kiki has the right answer, comment that shit and problem solved. Let's move on already, pretty please.

    Also golden meme; 10/10, can't even tell the difference between the two.
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    @Lensflare then read my original comment again. I measured it. In my case, super short names conclusively increased our productivity as a small team.
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    @kiki I understood what you said. I just have troubles believing it. And even if it was true, it certainly doesn’t apply for every team.
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    C + vim = greatest programming golf setup!
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    @devJs oh god I loved C/C++ golfing! There was a small community on a German coding forum and we golfed the crap out of different challenges!
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