
Am I the only one who never used the numpad on the keyboard?

  • 2
    I don't even have a numpad 😂
  • 3
  • 4
    I don't have numpad too
  • 1
    @hacker which model? I wanna smth like this for tv
  • 1
    @rostopira mate, this keyboard is great, even for programming!
    I got it for around 25 bucks (CAD).

    It says K400 Plus on the back, that's the model.
  • 7
    Probably you are. Did you never play Lego games on your PC?
  • 5
    I love the numpad!!
  • 1
    You had luck, last cheapish logitech keyboard I bought, lasted a few months, what a piece of crap 😄
  • 1
    No you are not the only one
  • 4
    I love the num pad. Blind typing of numbers with one hand. Also some games benefit from it.
  • 1
    H-How do you live without it
  • 1
    I wrote an Autohotkey script with macros for Important directories and launching programs, soo pretty much I am using it now daily. :D
  • 1
    Yes you are, you are the odd one, society rejects those who don't use numpad 😈.

    Just kidding, your codes don't give a shit if you use it or not.
  • 1
    A little late on this but I cannot live without a numpad.
    Helps with quick data entry (think programs like AutoCAD) and is just helpful when you can't be bothered to do math in your head (with calculator open)
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