
You know, one of my fav ranters constantly shits on one of my main languages :P which is Java. But shit I would lie if I said that I have not learned something from what he has to say. Truth be told I am aware of the pitfalls and bad design decissions of a lot of my favorite langs: Python, PHP, JS, Java, Go etc. And I think it is benefitial to everyone to understand the things that our fav stacks fail at doing in order to become better devs.

So lets give a round of applause to those angry mofockas that make us see the shit that is wrong with what we use and learn more from each other.

  • 3
    Btw this means you @FrodoSwaggins motherfucker will not shut up about c# and java sucking dick but I love him for it.

    This year I aim to focus extensively in c++, so I will be reffering to your rantings a lot. I used it heavily at uni, and I got "avademically" good at it, hopefully I can someday transission to just c++ since I can now appreciate the language better.
  • 1
    And then there is me
  • 0
    @BindView you are one of my favs as well, but we both Java devs
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