i guess this will piss some people off

  • 2
    Can you help me here ?
    I want to learn one of two vim or emacs ,If you were in my place wich on you would choose and why ?
    btw i am c++, c# programmer who wants to move to linux , or should i just stick with windows and visual studio there is nothing wrong with vs, but i want to try linux and .net core.
  • 1

    Also, for an IDE, checkout Visual Studio Code, it's cross platform. Being a part of the VS family it will be familiar.
  • 1
    definitely use vim

    gvim + plugins = basically an IDE
  • 0
    @rozzzly crashes my ubuntu 15.04 plus since i'm php dev, phpstorm is killer app
  • 1
    @abdallahesam no idea since i develop web stuff
  • 1
    @rozzzly @slipprykoala thanks, i am going to use vim.
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