I just fucking had it with all the stack overflow cunts, posted a question and LITERALLY 3 SECONDS LATER it got fucking down voted, like wtf it didn't even have a single comment nor a duplicate, the question was ~200 words, so either this cunt could fucking read 66 words/second, or he is a degenerate asshole who gets fucked for living

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    Post a link and I'll try to explain why it was down-voted.

    - StackOverflow vet
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    @cliatt I already deleted it because I got so many negative points, didn't want to sacrifice the 410+ I have
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    @cliatt it was because I defined a c++ template class in two separate .h, .cpp files, the linker was having problems reading the class and it gave me random errors
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    Technically you are not actually asking a question but the downvotes seem unnecessary. It would be nice if there was a place where you could just post a compiler error and get some help.
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    @spacem it was just plain dumb to downvote a question even before reading it
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    @bigworld12 sometimes a question can be immediately spotted as low quality and quickly down-voted. It's usually not that the post is impossible to address, it's usually just that the post doesn't follow the guidelines for making a high quality post.

    This means that it's probably missing some information that make it harder than necessary to answer.

    The most common reason for down-votes, imho, is when a post requires some though/research to answer, but clearly very little was given to creating the post.

    Most people are surprised to learn about the important steps they're leaving out once they've read http://stackoverflow.com/help/...
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