
I don't understand wtf is happening today..

- in project A, terraform suddenly decided to stop working with kubernetes-related providers -- the CA cert mismatch error. I agree, it should be not working, because there are 2 kube-api severs behind an LB. But why now??? Why was it working for the last 2 months, until NOW????

- in project B, terraform suddenly decided to stop working _correctly_ with kubernetes-related providers -- it doesn't find resources randomly, even though they are available and I can see them via kubectl get. TF_LOG=DEBUG shows terraform sending correct requests to the kube-api, but the response is a 404. wtf... I see those resources present in another terminal window, only using kubectl. wtf....

- my PR in github was commented, I wanted to ask a question seconds later, and I'm getting a 502 from GH

wtf... I can't spot a pattern and that drives me freaking crazy.

Is this the Friday's curse...? IDK

  • 2
    1. friday.
    2. Its fucking friday.
    3. This is a friday. What did you expect.
    4. You have 2 kubernetes cluster behind Load Balancer, and have random 404 errors / cert issues when connecting.... I wonder if theres a clue in "2 kubernetes clusters behind LB". Maybe? nah. both are configured correctly? right? no way one is correct, and the other has problem....
    5. refer to 1,2,3. also, It a friday.
  • 1

    4 -- the project B is in EKS, so it should not have any randomness. The stability and not having to worry about LB is why my client is paying for a managed EKS.

    Project A is a custom k8s cluster behind a LB and it has not once given me an identity error in the last 2+ months until today.

    Even so, I only get this error in terraform, while no such thing happens via kubectl. Running both tools on the same machine.

    IDK, maybe it's Friday...?
  • 2
    @netikras does terraform maybe cache stuff?

    Who actually works on Friday? This is your punishment
  • 2
    But have you considered...

    Nah. Its a friday.
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