
What books is recommended for becoming a better programmer overall? Please don't recommend any encyclopedia alike books like art of computer science and so on.

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    Culture & Empire: Digital Revolution and Social Architecture by Pieter Hintjens and probably Confession of a Necromancer. They overlap a little and the first one is from big part on privacy as well. You can get ebooks for free or buy them on Amazon.
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    @misiman thank you, what other subjects does it cover other than security? :)
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    @Worldyn It's not about technical details, more about general approach to programing and problem solving and hugely about opensource and project governance, partially privacy and philosophy. There are books that will tech you how to do stuff one percent faster, these books that I recomended are not from this category. They show you that most of the time readable and maintainable beets performance in the long run and is worth focusing on.
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    One of my online mentor (ok he doesn't even know me, I just call him that way) said all the books from 37signals are good.


    And then there is also this book

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    @CurseMeSlowly oops, only saw your second link after commenting. 😅

    Rework is awesome too.
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